With Thanksgiving only a few weeks away, our experienced technicians are gearing up for one of the busiest times of the year. To avoid a plumbing disaster, we suggest you follow these simple tips so you don’t have to worry about your home’s plumbing system during Thanksgiving dinner!

1. Don’t treat your garbage disposal like a trash can.
It’s important to know that your garbage disposal can only handle so much, and sometimes, it can’t handle many different types of foods and liquids. Be mindful of what you’re putting down your garbage disposals.
The Don’ts: Celery, Potatoes, Carrots, Onions, Lettuce, Grease, Oil, Fat, Bones, Egg Shells, Pastas, Rice, Coffee — all of these items are difficult for the blades to grind up and cause more blockage in your drains.
The Do’s: Keep your garbage disposal clean by pouring a small amount of dish soap inside and run it with some cold water. You can even use a few slices of a lemon peel for a fresh scent!
Always run cold water when you turn your garbage disposal on.
If your garbage disposal is broken, don’t try to fix it yourself. This type of project is not DIY — give us a call before attempting the fix yourself.
2. The only thing that should be flushed down your toilet is toilet paper and human waste!
If you’re having overnight guests or you’re hosting Thanksgiving, chances are somebody won’t follow your “toilet paper only rule.” It may be worth posting a sign in your bathroom that warns your guests to not flush the following items:
Sanitary Napkins/Feminine Products, Wipes, Cotton Balls or Pads.
3. Fix the existing plumbing issues BEFORE Thanksgiving and before your guests arrive. If you have leaky faucet, clogged or slow running drain, a water heater on its last leg, or you’re having garbage disposal issues, give us a call to fix those problems TODAY!
It’s important to us that our customers enjoy their holiday without having to worry about their plumbing. If you run into a Thanksgiving Day plumbing disaster, have no fear.
Our technicians will be ready to assist you and get your house back in working order. Give us a call today to take care of existing issues prior to Turkey Day!